
Monday, October 13, 2014

Understanding Karuna Reiki

You probably already understand Reiki is spiritually guided life force energy. However, you may not be as familiar with Karuna Reiki. Adding Karuna Reiki into your treatment can successfully help activate new channels for guiding energies to utilize and communicate techniques that may be better suited to your specific situation. In Karuna Reiki method, can be attuned by distant or one on one. It can be given at one time. If you are attuned , you become Karuna Reiki Master.
Some people are thinking Karuna Reiki attunement can not be given by distant and can not be given at one time. This is stereotype. Energy is timeless and spaceless. I asked them that could you put a limit on the flow of energy? It is completely about intent. I am not denying them. They learned that way but i learned this way.

So why is Karuna Reiki more effective than Usui Reiki?

For starters, Karuna Reiki is only imparted to people that are masters of Reiki already. These masters of Reiki have all come to the same consensus that Karuna Reiki is much stronger and it heals more deeply. Karuna Reiki often addresses the root of the problem instead of simply treating symptoms or offering short term healing and relief.

What symbols are used for basic Karuna Reiki healing and what do they mean?

There are thirdteen symbols in Karuna. The most leading symbols are in below.
The first symbol is ZONAR.  It  prepares you for deep healing and it is useful in cleansing or healing past life issues. It helps release karma and issues that are weighing heavily on you on a cellular level.

The second symbol is HALU. It heals deeply and is used to disrupt negative patterns you may unconsciously be using to protect yourself or hide from truth. It helps shatter any delusions or address any denial you might potentially be in that could be blocking you from reaching greater levels of well-being.
The third symbol is HARTH. It will fill you with love and balance. It will bring peace and harmony back to you and give you a sense of lightness and well-being.

The fourth symbol represents a perfect balance and completes your treatment and effectively grounds you by bringing you back into the body. Raises awareness.


So what can I expect during my Karuna Reiki treatment?

During treatment, many clients find themselves at peace – so much so that they may relax into a light
sleep for a few minutes. This is when Reiki healing becomes most effective because it is your bodies way
of giving full permission to be healed. At the end of treatment you can expect to feel restful and
grounded. Many clients find that they are more centered and it becomes easier for them to focus
immediately after their treatment takes place.

All Karuna Symbols

Thursday, October 2, 2014


This blog was born in 06.09.2014. I believe it is time to act as ONE. All the troubles and difficulties in your life will be good. I believe we will be a large community. We will be stronger together and alone.

We are stronger with you!


Who I am?
Hello my name is Efe. I'm living in Izmir/Turkey. Since i was born, i am interested in spirituel stuffs.  I have read and am reading a lot of books and texts about spiritual matters. 
I am Usui Reiki 3, Karuna Reiki Master, Angel Light Master.
 I am doing personal Karuna Reiki and Angel Light Reiki attunement and personal healing.
I am organizing very succesful personal therapies to my around.(unblocking, karma cleaning, past life, overcoming fear)


What I Do?

This is the place of distant healing. I am organizing healing process with people around the world (you) at the same time. I have no border in healing methods. I am working just a positive energies.
And the healing flows...
In therapies i am using  Usui Reiki, Karuna Reiki, Angel Light and some spiritual masters' assistance for physical, spiritual, mental and psychological healing. And with the guidance of methods and our clean thoughts, problems are healing. 


How It Works?
The therapy takes 20 - 25 minutes.
First, it is enough to see your "attending" on events. Also you send e-mail me to your name and which therapy/therapies (party/parties) do you want to attend. You can feel free to write your problem for the focused healing.
Second, close your eyes in a place that you can feel relaxed. You can use the silence or relaxation music during therapy.
Last, you can feel the healing or feel the energy of connection during therapy. Please write your experiences on a event page. It is a wonderful.

I believe that, 
Those therapies will heal your present, past and future you. In this way, some massive (universe) problems will be healed.

If this idea looks familiar, be ready to hold hands with many people in the world. (:
Just write mail or facebook message to me for joining the healing party. Write your name and your problem (just for focused healing sending).
You will see how makes you successful and peaceful  with therapies that kept constantly clean mind
It's totally free.
Thank You.



Weekly Therapies!

Schedule for USA
1st Therapy of the Week: Monday 4:00 p.m
2rd Therapy of the Week: Thursday 4:00 p.m
3th Therapy of the Week: Saturday 4:00 p.m

(GMT-4) U.S. / Washington D.C.

Schedule for EUROPE
1st Therapy of the Week: Monday 10:00 p.m
2nd Therapy of the Week: Thursday 10:00 p.m
3rd Therapy of the Week: Saturday 10:00 p.m

(GMT + 1) Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna, Madrid, Paris, Belgrade, Budapest, Copenhagen

We Invite You!

If you change, the world changes.

I can write tons of things about reiki, angel therapy and masters' assistance  or other healing methods but you can easily find them on the web. This is the therapy area where healing flows.

We are inviting you to Healing Therapies with people around the world at the same time.
Do something good for yourself and for the world.
It is a totally free.
Let the surrounding by improved positive energies.
You can participate as much as you want.
Reason of healing is not necessary to join. Enjoy!
If you are a healer, your contribution to our therapies makes us happy.
Yes! we can change the world.