
Tuesday, September 30, 2014




Introduction to Reiki 
Firstly, very important to know that nobody can abuse Reiki. It is just a way of healing. Reiki does not work where bad things of ego.

This types of healing systems begin with intention. As long as your intention is good, make sure you have good and powerful healing.So you need to be relaxed and not be afraid.

 No one can hurt you unless you let them  !

 What is Reiki ?

What they do first when someone feels a toothhache or football player who kicked by foot? The first move is holding where pain is occured by hand. A mother holds her child's painful place and kisses there. This is instinctive movement. Touching is also sign of love and care. Same for animals. For cats or etc.,they lick when they feel pain some place of their body. That is similar for Reiki.

Reiki means "life energy which belongs everywhere" Came from very old times and it is met with west by Dr. Mikao Usui.  It is learned and initiated by Reiki masters. Looking for Reiki "something new" would be wrong. Everybody has Reiki or everybody is Reiki. This is not a outside of ourselves..

 Reiki is not a religion. Purpose of Reiki education, developing of healing energy and spreading to everybody, environment and universe (In the same way from universe). Healing of Reiki would be physical psychological or emotional. By the way Reiki is also used for serious diseases (tumors, cancer, etc ...)

Note 1: Reiki energy allows the healing to someone from all sides. For example, during treatment headhache, healing will also flow to other organs or areas where needs healing.

Note 2: Reason of many physical diseases is mental confusion. Reiki flows the origin of problem provides healing.
Reiki Master
Reiki attunement performed by Reiki Master. If Reiki Master is giving only Reiki training, you should run away from the master. They should be teacher in the real sense. It requires its own internal dynamics . Reiki training is not like foreign trade seminar. Because you getting Reiki. You are making the transition to system which has significant discipline. It requires something more than showing some symbols and saying good bye. Please be cautious.
You should be in contact with your master. He/She should help you not only for healing expreriences but also situations that occur in daily life. So real master would be like that.

How to Reiki Attunement Happens?
Attunement is a beautiful job and understood when experienced for both sides. Somebody calls that at the turning point of my life. New healer is born after attunement. Would be more acuurate if we say "awakened". Each person  experiences something individual different.  Attunement happens one on one. Person sits on chair comfortably and master performs a Reiki process which contains Reiki symbols. 

 Reiki Training Prices

Some people criticized the having a fee of reiki training. First i must emphasize the extremely high costs are not ethical.  I think there is no drawback for fees if could be reasonable. 

I've tried to summarize the Reiki as possible. Maybe from the Traditional Reiki Training, maybe some masters thoughts, I do not know the source but when applying the Reiki, we may be very formalist. You do not need it.
"I put my hands like this, i wonder if the energy do not flow? ; " I could not draw exactly the symbol" Nevermind all!

If you intended to, Reiki flows....

Usui Reiki

Reiki 1

During the Reiki 1 initiation, physical illnesses would treat and  they feel better for physical in next weeks. Application of Reiki 1 is usually used for self healing by hand. As well as could heal someone else. Adaptation of  Reiki 1 initiation tooks approx. one month.  In this period, tingling in the hands and foots, intense dreams could be seen. Go to toilet, diarrea may rarely occur. This is the reaction of body which caused extra energy input and cleaning the chakra and aura. But the person will definetly feel better and stronger himself.  After taking initiation, the person puts her hands where the person want to heal. Reiki will do it the rest.
Reiki 2

Reiki 2 initiation increased the healing energy (like from 10 Watt bulb to 60 Watt bulb). Besides physical healing, provides a wide range psychological healing.
Our first symbol is the upper Cho-Ku-Rei. Power button of Reiki. Concentrate all the energy of the universe to the single point. It is increases the activity awfully and used in every healing. In the figure above is turning counter-clockwise spiral symbol. This way you can draw clockwise. Either way, the healing flows. The important thing is the intention.The other symbol is Sei-He-Ki. Emotional heal for Reiki. Means "Be One with God". Extracts the trauma or suffering to surface. Disease will disappear when releasing from surface the feelings. Besides, it is used to cleaning objects and areas from negative energies and protecting from bad spirits and diseases.

The other symbol is Sei-He-Ki. Emotional heal for Reiki. Means "Be One with God". Extracts the trauma or suffering to surface. Disease will disappear when releasing from surface the feelings. Besides, it is used to cleaning objects and areas from negative energies and protecting from bad spirits and diseases.

Symbol is the form of human who inside the pyramid. Means of Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen is "time does not exist"  It works beyond time and spice. Always used in distance healing. It is a key that opens a lock when using in subconscious and therapy studies. The healing also use the akashic records and would impact on person's karma healing.

Reiki 3
Considered Reiki is completed at this level. But it is not true. Every end is a new beginning. Integration with Reiki has a great importance. Some Reiki Masters divide into two the Reiki 3. As practitioners and trainers. Till the come to Reiki 3, have been taught three symbols and distance healing. In Reiki 3, it is added one powerful symbol.


Sunday, September 28, 2014

What is Distant Healing?


Distant Healing is mainly imagination process of healing that will be send. There are many different methods (mental or visual). Praying, to thinking of someone by feeling he/she is healthy, sending energy and love are actually distant healing methods. Spiritual distant healing could be doing with representational image, picture or name of person that will be healed. 
It is enough a short time and quiet place for Healer and client . They need to released theirselves slightly. 
There is an important point. Healer should be ask for permission to sending healing. I mean client should be demanding. The client approve already who demands and intends.
I am using Usui Reiki - Karuna Reiki symbols, Angels and Master Spirits. This is increasing the influence and power of healing considerably
During distant healing therapy, clients could be feel warmer specific parts of the body (especially palms and soles), mild tingling, ringing in the ears, yawning in a row. 
When the high vibrational energy reaches the physical body, the body responses like this way. This is perfectly normal.  Fall asleep in the same way. Sometimes nothing could be felt by clients. Nevertheless, there have been healing.

There are lots of abundance from all over the universe. If we know to ask sincerely, that is enogh to get it.
Unfortunately most of us  are thinking that we do not deserve to have good things. Has been taught us like that. Quite the contrary!
Start to make affirmation as from today and say it every morning without openin your eyes yet " I'm in abundance and fertility"
Thank Goodness.